Exam? many students are afraid of the word 'exam'. what exam really mean? its like a task we need to go through to see how far we know bout a subject. its nothing to be afraid of. actually, its normal though. dont be freaking out. there's always a way to improve ourself. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. well,practice makes perfect right? haha. exam helps us to improve ourself too. as SPM are just around the corner,all the SPM candidates are dying to study and prepared ( me too ),but u need to take a break sumtimes. We're human not robot machine. dont give up before u ever try. who knows,u may become the top students in your class. exams are definetely not sumthing to compare urself with the others. not to see who get the highest mark. its bout who u are. compare urself to urself. compete with urself k. ok,thats all. i'm not gonna write a essay right?
As SPM trial exam is coming very soon,i wish all my friends in 5 Bestari "GOOD LUCK". do your best,guys!
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