Tuesday, August 5, 2008

HoW to KeeP a bEautifuL friEndShiP??

Friendships are one of the most beautiful things to happen to human kind. It's wonderful to feel related to somebody whom we aren't related to. Many people find good friends but they fail to keep them. Below are some tips on how to maintain those great friendships you have:

~Be there for them~

Good friends share bad times and no matter the distance or how busy you get, you ought to try to be available for your friends

~Make the first move,sometimes~

Don't wait for your friends to call u. Make an effort to keep in touch with people..

~Don't be a bean spiller~

Do not spill the secrets of ur friends..

~Loyalty counts~

If u are a real friend, you would tell your friend personally regarding the matter and NOT gossip behind her back..

~Allow room for changes~

Allow room for your friend to grow in her own unique way and be supportive..


HoW to KeeP a BeauTiful FriEndship??

Here are some of the ways good friends treat each other:

~Listen to each other~

~Don't put each other down or hurt each other feelings~

~Try to understand each other's feelings and moods~

~Help each other solve problems~

~Give each other compliments~
~Can disagree without hurting each other~

~Respect each other and are trustworthy~
~Give each other room to change~

~Care about each other~